
書單: 安迪葛洛夫:Only paranoid survives.

Apr 1, 2011

[share] How to use Turbo C in Windows XP




You might have learned Turbo C and you want to use it sometimes.

You can use it by the following way:


1.      Download it form (you need to find it by yourself. It's not hard!)  (TC3 needs an installation. TC2 need not.)

2.      Go to Start -> Run , type "cmd"

3.      In command prompt, type "chcp 437". It means "change code page to IBM437 (OEM United States)". (ref: link1 link2)

4.      Enjoy it!


Other reference:

a.      a Turbo C 2.0 bug: http://blog.tenyi.com/2006/12/turbo-c-20-bug.html

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