
書單: 安迪葛洛夫:Only paranoid survives.

Nov 27, 2005

google site search 只搜尋特定目錄

5. Can Google Search a directory or just a domain? For example, can Google search http://www.example.com/department or just http://www.example.com?

Google's Public Service Search program is optimized to search top-level hosts and domains on the web. For example, Google's Public Service Search can search over domains such as www.example.com or www.medschool.myuniversity.edu by simply entering the domain in the "Domain to be searched" field.

Our Public Service Search program is not optimized for searching at the directory level (for example, www.example.com/directory). However, due to the many requests from organizations to search at the directory level, we have come up with an interim solution until we can build in this additional functionality. We recommend that when you sign up, you list the domain without the directory in the "Domain to be searched" field (e.g. example.com) on the first screen. Go through the full sign up process until you get the code to put on your website. Then, to search your directory for the host www.example.com, add the following input type to the Google search:

< type="hidden" name="hq" value="inurl:www.example.com/yourdirectory">

花了很多時間找,最後還是在 google 本身的 faq 裡面找到

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