
書單: 安迪葛洛夫:Only paranoid survives.

Jun 27, 2013

Fw: [分享] ML 作業

LFD Ex 1.12
大致上是問你: 如果你的朋友 (friend) 給你一些 training data, 並要你對 test data
作 prediction, "She says the target function is completely unknown", 在這樣的
setting 下你能給他怎麼樣的 guarantee?

(a) you can provide a hypothesis g that always yield good approximation to f.
(b) you can provide g that with high prob. yield good approximation to f.
(c) one of two things happen:
    1) you will produce g which, with high prob. yield good approx.
    2) you declare you cannot find a good g


According to the description, I would choose (a).
Because the pronoun used in the question is "she", providing a guarantee is
wisdom choice. There is no need for any uncertain words such as "probably",
"perhaps", "maybe". She will not be glad to hear them.


If we replace your "friend" in the exercise with your "foe", you need to be
extremely careful in the guarantee you can provide. Do you see any traps in the
setup and/or the choices?
Write down your own version of the guarantee that you'd provide to your foe,
and state the convincing reasons behind your own version.

I will escape from the foe to avoid being attacked by the foe.


.......... 整個笑到無法自己 XD
foe 好可怕.. 甲生好專業..


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