
書單: 安迪葛洛夫:Only paranoid survives.

Nov 27, 2008

To compare two similiar Word documents

Dear all,

     You may receive a document which has a lot of revised version and it is written by Word.

    There is a way which let you quickly find the difference between these documents.

    Please read the following instruction.

[Word version]

In following example, I use Word 2000 CHT.

But you should be able to find similiar function in other version of Word.


1. Open your newer Word document.

2. 工具 -> 追蹤修訂 -> 文件版本比較, open your older Word document.

3. The default color for difference is red.

If you find the color is NOT obvious, you can change the color in

工具 -> 選項 -> 追蹤修訂

4. I list my favorite color for your reference:

文字插入樣式 - 淺綠色

文字刪除樣式 - 粉紅色

格式修改樣式 - 黃色

線修修改樣式 - 黑色 (default)

Now, you should be able to find the revised line easily!

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