
書單: 安迪葛洛夫:Only paranoid survives.

Apr 4, 2016

SBL/記取去年教訓 劉錚嗆:4勝之前都不算數


台 啤總教練閻家驊表示,「我們在例行賽時並沒有給劉錚太多責任和壓力,除了球隊戰績穩定領先之外,我也儘量讓他去調整狀況,不需要場場飆分,打出瘋狂表現, 影響他的體能但季後賽情況不同,劉錚需要展現他主宰比賽和統治力,事實證明他調整的非常好,連續兩場比賽攻下28分,而且總能在關鍵時刻打出領袖級表 現。」

The good player and the good couch.

The wisdom of Steve Kerr, Golden State Warriors coach

"I think it'd be cool [to break the record], but we all know what our focus is. We want to win a championship," Kerr said. "The championship goes up on the wall, and records are broken. People break records. Championships last forever.




是要能夠引起來參加追思禮拜的人笑的 :)

經理人 Brian Cashman說... .(CC Sabathia)

"The money he makes has nothing to do with it now,'' Cashman said. "He made that money based on, obviously, performance in years gone by. What's done is done. What he's making is what he's making. What his role is going to be and how much he contributes was to be determined, and he's going to be a starter for now, and we hope he keeps it. We hope he keeps it the whole year, but we'll see how it goes.''
