
書單: 安迪葛洛夫:Only paranoid survives.

Jan 29, 2011

有關Intel 晶片組的一些資料(3系列到6系列)

update: 我原本是在Word上編輯的,Word的效果比較好。按這裡取得Word版本.

6系列】 - sandy bridge 系列




HDMI/display port/eDP/DVI2

Rapid Storage Technology

SATA 6G * 2

SATA 3G * 4

PCIe 2.0 (8x1) (5GT/s)




Rapid Storage Technology/Rapid Recover Technology

SATA 6G * 2

SATA 3G * 4

PCIe 2.0 (8x1)(僅為2.5GT/s)

5系列】 - 工作中用到的 testing board



HDMI/display port/DVI1

Intel HD Audio

Intel Quiet System Technology (control fans)

USB 2.0 * 12

SATA 3G * 6


PCIe 2.0 (8x1)(僅為2.5GT/s)

Gigabit MAC



Intel HD Audio

Matrix Storage Technology/Rapid Recover Technology

Intel Quiet System Technology (control fans)

USB 2.0 * 14

SATA 3G * 6


PCIe 2.0 (8x1)(僅為2.5GT/s)

Gigabit MAC



HDMI/display port/DVI1

Rapid Storage Technology/Rapid Recover Technology

Intel HD Audio

Intel Quiet System Technology (control fans)

USB 2.0 * 12

SATA 3G * 6


PCIe 2.0 (8x1)(僅為2.5GT/s)

Gigabit MAC

l intel 的網頁真是看不出來各晶片組有什麼不同

l 這個還比較清楚,P57P55多了風扇控制這張表清楚多了

n Q57獨有Remote PC Assist for business, Anti Theft

n H57獨有 Remote PC Assist for consumer, Remote Wake, Identify Protect,

n 個位數為7的,具有Braidwood support, Rapid Storage Technology 9.5

n P55獨有ME Ignition(點火) FW,

n 除了P55,全部都有QST

n H系列與Q系列才有Clarkdale support

n P系列獨有2x8 PEG Clarkdale support (其他的是1x8)

n 除了H55, 其他的RST都享有PM support

n 個位數是7的與P55 享有 14USB, H55只有12

n 個位數是7的與P55 享有 82.5GT PCIe 2.0, H55只有6

n SATA 3G 大家都是6

n Legacy PCI 大家都是4

n 這個表”Intel 5 series chipset family desktip sku comparison”

l 6系列的: Q67, B65, H67, P67

l 9xx/8xx 的表: 925x915p875p, 865PE

l 這個好多了

n X系列最高級、P系列次之、G系列最低價

n 4系列:

u 全系列support DX10, G43/G41使用GMA X4500, G45使用GMA4500HD

u PEG (PCI Express Graphic) G45/G43均為1x16 Gen2, G41 1x16 Gen1

u 三者memory channel 均為2, G45可以2 DIMM per channel (可插4條總共;其餘可插2條總共)

u G45: 獨有Full HW decode acceleration of MPEG2, VC1, AVC(blue ray 最適)

u G41: 不具有 Remote Wake

u G45/G43搭配ICH10/R, G41搭配ICH7

n ! 這個太讚了 (intel 官方圖內含G45/G43/G41/P45/P43/Q45/Q43/B43)(可見個位數是1的是最low end的,只有在consumer market 才有)

u G/P/Q/B只有P不含內顯

u Q系列不含Clear Video 技術, G/B

u 其實圖表中有指明客群:B系列就是中小企業、Q系列就是大公司(Cooperate) 重視stable

u 在這全部裡面,只有G41是配ICH7/ICH7R, 其他的消費市場型(G/P)是配ICH10/ICH10R, 企業用戶B43/Q43是配ICH10D, B45是配ICH10DOHHhHHHHHHHHH

n 我在公司用的主要測試版是P45, OK啦,算是4系列效能型的了

l 5系列補充資料, 補充資料2 (從這時起就沒有north bridge 並只支援DDR3? Link)

l 3系列

n 資料1: G31最高只到DDR2 667/800, 顯卡插槽為 PCIe gen1 x16, 有內顯,南橋是ICH7 (3系列最低階的! 不過從晶片組名稱也可以知道…)(3系列是,G35使用ICH8, 其他都用ICH9, Q系列使用ICH9DO)(而且G31與大部分3系列晶片組都是在2007 Q3上市的,已經不是首發)

n 資料2: 未看

l 南橋晶片的一些survey

n Intel 首在 ICH8 通過AHCI 支援 SATA II

n ICH9: 提供4 SATA ports.

n [link] ICH10 是第一次在「非R版本」加入AHCI,讓user可以開啟NCQ。提供6 SATA ports.

Jan 27, 2011

受傷就是要勇於休息 - 王者的致勝之道


是不是受傷後 不硬撐 好好休息 不以紀錄、名聲、機會為優先
得到最多獎牌 拿到最多次冠軍?

Jan 19, 2011

Apple , IBM financial report in the early 2011

Apple first fiscal QTR
(~ 2010/12/25)

net profit: 60 E USD
(2010 first fiscal QTR 33.8 E USD)
revenue: 267 E USD

7.3 million iPad
(= sum of Q3, Q4)
(overcome the predict of analyst)
16.2 million iPhone (amazing!)
4.1 million Mac PC
19.5 million iPod
(iPhone occupies 39% revenue)

gross profit margin = 38.5%
(previous QTR = 36.9%)

Apple predicts second fiscal QTR:
revenue = 22 billions
profit = 4.90 per stock
(analyst : revenue 20.9 billion, profit 4.47 per stock)

4th fiscal QTR
profit: 5.3 billion
4.38 per stock
revenue 29 billion

current stock price: 150.65 usd

succeed Intel, IBM also proved the IT investment increased.

IBM current CEO: 帕米沙諾
(he said the performance of 2010 has overcome their goal.)

long-term targets: emerging market, cloud, enterprise trend analysis.
2015 earn 20 usd per stock.

2010, IBM has profit 14.8 billion, 11.52 usd per stock, revenue 99.9 billion
revenue division:
America: 12.2 billion
Aisa-Pacific: 6.6 billion
European, Mid-East, Africa: 9.5 billion

Jan 16, 2011




1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing
了解其定義(reference 也是重點資訊來源)

2. 看 gslin 的部落格,讀有關 AWS 的相關部分 (非常重要且第一手的資訊)

3. http://www.ithome.com.tw/ 上有一些雲端運算的文章,找一找,值得一讀

4. 同上的來源, yahoo 的 Hadoop 技術

Jan 13, 2011

世界銀行2011預估, 2010氣候, 2010Q4 PC銷量


開發中國家今年經濟成長率6%, 去年7% 明年6.1%
高所得國家今年2.4% 去年2.8% 明年2.7%
東亞與太平洋地區(含中國) 去年9.3% 今年8% 明年8.7%
中國今年8.7% 去年10%(進口成長35%)
南亞(含印度) 去年8.7% 今年、明年7.9%
印度8.4% 去年9.5%
台灣5.0% 去年10.5% 2012 5.5%

2010 全球GDP 成長3.9%
明年 3.6%

2010, 2005 並列最熱年
+0.62 upon avg (14度)
2010 land temp. +1 (highest in history)
ocean temp. +0.49 (3rd in history)
North Pole ice area 3rd small (behind 2007, 2008)

IDC: 2010 Q4 全球PC年增2.7% (9210萬台) 預估今年tablet 4000萬台
2010全年PC 34620萬台 年增13.6%
Q4 HP 1800萬台, Dell 1114萬台, Acer, lenovo, Toshiba
Gartner : 3.1%, Acer 12.7%, HP 18.8% Dell 11.6% 預個今年tablet 5480萬台
Acer: 2010 Q4 netbook 只達980萬台

First iPad newspaper "The Dialy" will launch on Jan 19.

Jan 12, 2011

Warner TV, Dish HD


Warner, 進攻這塊了。

Dish HD - 觀察看看...不當烈士幫。
WarnerTV Dish HD
新春特惠方案需簽兩年合約,並付衛星設備保證金$2,500元、標準安裝費$2,800元、211t智慧型機上盒月租費每月$500元。本優惠可享24個月每月帳單折抵$201元, 並可於前3個月盡情體驗全台灣最多高畫質頻道內容;自第4個月起,本優惠方案簽約訂戶須依DishHD屆時所提供之收視套餐另行選購頻道組合。此優惠僅適用於211t智慧型機上盒,並不適用於經濟套餐。合約期滿後,所有價格將視當時方案為準。設備在正常運作狀態下完整歸還給DishHD,得全額退還設備保證金。用戶於終止服務時需將所有租賃設備歸還,否則需另繳設備費用。非標準安裝可能需額外加收費用。用戶提前終止合約,需依約支付違約金,設備保證金則按照已經履行合約期間之比例退還。所有DishHD節目或服務,均受「收視契約書」之規則與條款所限。本方案並不得與其他優惠方案並行。

Jan 10, 2011

為何當使用 IE 8 瀏覽網站時,總會跳出安全性警告視窗

-from official.

2011-01-10 II

/mnt/var/tmp/portage/sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2/image/lib /
/mnt/var/tmp/portage/sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2/image/lib /
* >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/lib/misc/glibc/pt_chown ... [ ok ]
!!! copy /mnt/var/tmp/portage/sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2/image/lib/libnss_nis-2.12.2.so -> /lib/libnss_nis-2.12.2.so failed.
('!!!', IOError(28, 'No space left on device'))
[sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2] sandbox: relocation error: /lib/libc.so.6: symbol _dl_tls_get_addr_soft, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference
* The ebuild phase 'die_hooks' has exited unexpectedly. This type of
* behavior is known to be triggered by things such as failed variable
* assignments (bug #190128) or bad substitution errors (bug #200313).
* Normally, before exiting, bash should have displayed an error message
* above. If bash did not produce an error message above, it's possible
* that the ebuild has called `exit` when it should have called `die`
* instead. This behavior may also be triggered by a corrupt bash binary or
* a hardware problem such as memory or cpu malfunction. If the problem is
* not reproducible or it appears to occur randomly, then it is likely to
* be triggered by a hardware problem. If you suspect a hardware problem
* then you should try some basic hardware diagnostics such as memtest.
* Please do not report this as a bug unless it is consistently
* reproducible and you are sure that your bash binary and hardware are
* functioning properly.

>>> Failed to install sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2, Log file:

>>> '/mnt/var/tmp/portage/sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2/temp/build.log'

* Messages for package sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2:

* IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
* Use eselect news to read news items.

Barton6 ~ # vim /mnt/var/tmp/portage/sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2/temp/build.log
vim: relocation error: /lib/libc.so.6: symbol _dl_tls_get_addr_soft, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference
Barton6 ~ # df -h
df: relocation error: /lib/libc.so.6: symbol _dl_tls_get_addr_soft, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference
# parted /dev/hda print

barton ~ # rc-update add sshd default
* sshd added to runlevel default


* automatically switched for you. If you would like to
* switch to the newly installed gcc version, do the
* following:

* gcc-config i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.5.2
* source /etc/profile

* Switching native-compiler to i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.1.2 ...
>>> Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache... [ ok ]

* If you have issues with packages unable to locate libstdc++.la,
* then try running 'fix_libtool_files.sh' on the old gcc versions.

* You might want to review the GCC upgrade guide when moving between
* major versions (like 4.2 to 4.3):
* http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gcc-upgrading.xml

>>> Recording sys-devel/gcc in "world" favorites file...

* Messages for package sys-devel/gcc-4.5.2:

* If you have issues with packages unable to locate libstdc++.la,
* then try running 'fix_libtool_files.sh' on the old gcc versions.
* You might want to review the GCC upgrade guide when moving between
* major versions (like 4.2 to 4.3):
* http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gcc-upgrading.xml
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.

* GNU info directory index is up-to-date.

* IMPORTANT: 4 config files in '/etc' need updating.
* See the CONFIGURATION FILES section of the emerge
* man page to learn how to update config files.

* IMPORTANT: 4 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
* Use eselect news to read news items.
* The current gcc config appears valid, so it will not be
* automatically switched for you. If you would like to
* switch to the newly installed gcc version, do the
* following:

* gcc-config i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.5.2
* source /etc/profile

* Switching native-compiler to i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.1.2 ...
Barton6 ~ # gcc-config i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.5.2
* Switching native-compiler to i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.5.2 ...
>>> Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache... [ ok ]

* If you intend to use the gcc from the new profile in an already
* running shell, please remember to do:

* # source /etc/profile

Barton6 ~ # source /etc/profile

Jan 9, 2011


globally turn on/off USE setting:
edit /etc/make.conf
read http://www.gentoo.org/doc/zh_tw/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=2&chap=2



emerge --unmerge
uninstalll all files except the configuration files you changed.
bad things: portage does not check other pkg which depends on the to-be-uninstalled pkg.
origin:'''When you remove a package from your system, the dependencies of that package that were installed automatically when you installed the software are left. To have Portage locate all dependencies that can now be removed, use emerge's --depclean functionality. We will talk about this later on. '''

[emerge --update world] 更新全系統
[emerge --update --ask world] 先問user再繼續
在我的系統,它只看gcc, glibc
[emerge --update --deep world] 更新系統上'''每一個'''套件
不過,用這個指令,它還是只看gcc, glibc
'''Portage will then search for newer version of the applications you have installed. However, it will only verify the versions for the applications you have explicitly installed (the applications listed in /var/lib/portage/world) - it does not thoroughly check their dependencies. If you want to update every single package on your system, add the --deep argument: '''
>> 目前的問題
* Error: circular dependencies:

('ebuild', '/', 'sys-devel/gcc-4.5.2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2', 'merge') (buildtime)
('ebuild', '/', 'sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'sys-devel/gcc-4.5.2', 'merge') (buildtime)

[ebuild NS ] sys-devel/gcc-4.5.2 [4.1.2] USE="fortran gtk mudflap nls nptl openmp (-altivec) -bootstrap -build -doc (-fixed-point) -gcj -graphite (-hardened) (-libffi) -lto (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -nopie -nossp -objc -objc++ -objc-gc -test -vanilla" 64,810 kB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/glibc-2.12.2 [2.6.1] USE="nls -debug -gd -glibc-omitfp (-hardened) (-multilib) -profile (-selinux) -vanilla" 16,009 kB

[ebuild R ] sys-devel/gcc-4.4.3-r2 USE="fortran gtk mudflap nls nptl openmp (-altivec) -bootstrap -build -doc (-fixed-point) -gcj -graphite (-hardened) (-libffi) (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -objc -objc++ -objc-gc -test -vanilla" 0 kB
[ebuild R ] sys-libs/glibc-2.11.2 USE="gd nls -debug -glibc-omitfp (-hardened) (-multilib) -profile (-selinux) -vanilla" 0 kB
!!! The following installed packages are masked:
- dev-java/sun-jdk- (masked by: sun-bcla-java-vm license(s))
A copy of the 'sun-bcla-java-vm' license is located at '/usr/portage/licenses/sun-bcla-java-vm'.

- dev-java/sun-jdk- (masked by: dlj-1.1 license(s))
A copy of the 'dlj-1.1' license is located at '/usr/portage/licenses/dlj-1.1'.

根據 http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-812003-start-0.html
我做了emerge --nodeps gcc

ebuild 的字母代表意義:

retval = mergetask.merge()
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/Scheduler.py", line 914, in merge
rval = self._merge()
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/Scheduler.py", line 1222, in _merge
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/Scheduler.py", line 1360, in _main_loop
while self._schedule():
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/PollScheduler.py", line 43, in _schedule
return self._schedule_tasks()
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/Scheduler.py", line 1391, in _schedule_tasks
if q.schedule():
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/SequentialTaskQueue.py", line 56, in schedule
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/AsynchronousTask.py", line 24, in start
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/MergeListItem.py", line 91, in _start
self._start_task(build, self._default_final_exit)
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/CompositeTask.py", line 119, in _start_task
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/AsynchronousTask.py", line 24, in start
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/EbuildBuild.py", line 69, in _start
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/EbuildBuild.py", line 93, in _prefetch_exit
self._start_task(fetcher, self._fetch_exit)
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/CompositeTask.py", line 119, in _start_task
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/AsynchronousTask.py", line 24, in start
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/EbuildFetcher.py", line 44, in _start
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/EbuildBuildDir.py", line 57, in lock
self._lock_obj = portage.locks.lockdir(dir_path)
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/portage/locks.py", line 32, in lockdir
return lockfile(mydir,wantnewlockfile=1)
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/portage/locks.py", line 71, in lockfile
myfd = os.open(lockfilename, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR, 0o660)
File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/portage/__init__.py", line 228, in __call__
rval = self._func(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/var/tmp/portage/sys-devel/.gcc-4.5.2.portage_lockfile'

I don't know the reason. Reboot.

free inodes 只剩68,可能是 root cause
Barton6 / # du --max-depth=1 -h
3.5M ./sbin
774M ./var
297M ./lib
2.1M ./etc
72K ./root
4.0K ./home
12K ./tmp
196K ./dev
27M ./boot
16K ./lost+found
5.6M ./bin
emerge --nodeps gcc
http://www.fuplay.com/dvd catchplay 旗下?
http://www.ivideo.com.tw/rent_video/video_detail.asp?film_id=42956 不懂那個日期是???
barton ~ # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda3 4.6G 2.2G 2.2G 51% /
udev 10M 240K 9.8M 3% /dev
shm 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda1 4.6G 3.6G 850M 81% /root/p1
/dev/hda2 4.6G 2.9G 1.6G 65% /root/p2
/dev/hda3 4.6G 2.2G 2.2G 51% /root/p3
/dev/hda4 4.6G 1.4G 3.0G 32% /root/p4
/dev/hda5 4.6G 2.8G 1.7G 63% /root/p5
/dev/hda6 4.6G 3.5G 913M 80% /root/p6
/dev/hda7 4.6G 138M 4.3G 4% /root/p7
/dev/hda8 4.7G 138M 4.3G 4% /root/p8
barton ~ # resize2fs /dev/hda6 15G
resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
The containing partition (or device) is only 1220608 (4k) blocks.
You requested a new size of 3932160 blocks.

Jan 8, 2011


社群網戰(The social network, http://www.truemovie.com/2010moviedata/SocialNetwork.htm)
如果你還沒看過,而且住在台北的話,可能要等到 01/22 才容易看得到



現在在本省全島,只有苗粟的東聲戲院(被稱為是1.5輪)有放映,每天只有14:50, 19:20兩個時間。

目前Amazon 你可以買到14.99元(440TWD)的Video on demand purchase, 但是是一區的,沒有中文字幕。

Amazon Video on demand rental 是在 2011-02-02 release, 也許你可以猜是那時候。

台北二輪當中,惟有朝代在網站上有說他們暫定 01/22上映

1) 花車錢+票價 = 400多元衝去苗粟看...
2) 或是再等兩個星期, 終於可以看得到....


通天神探狄仁傑 D-Project 10/8 上映廳數 (20)
享受吧!一個人的旅行 Eat, Pray, Love 10/1 上映廳數 (17)
超危險特工 10/15 上映廳數 (16)
命中注定多個你 Life as We Know It 10/22 上映廳數 (10)
竊盜城//片長:125分 上映日期:2010/10/01 廳數 (4)
叛獄風雲//片長:96分 上映日期:2010/10/01 廳數 (1)

通天神探狄仁傑 D-Project 10/8 上映廳數 (20) 1月1日新片上映
享受吧!一個人的旅行 Eat, Pray, Love 10/1 上映廳數 (17)
超危險特工 10/15 上映廳數 (16) 1月1日新片上映
命中注定多個你 Life as We Know It 10/22 上映廳數 (10) 1月8日新片上映

通天神探狄仁傑 D-Project 10/8 上映廳數 (20)
享受吧!一個人的旅行 Eat, Pray, Love 10/1 上映廳數 (17)
超危險特工 10/15 上映廳數 (16)
命中注定多個你 Life as We Know It 10/22 上映廳數 (10)
回應時間 2011-01-08 20:32:14

通天神探狄仁傑 D-Project 10/8 上映廳數 (20)
享受吧!一個人的旅行 Eat, Pray, Love 10/1 上映廳數 (17)
超危險特工 10/15 上映廳數 (16)
竊盜城//片長:125分 上映日期:2010/10/01 廳數 (4)
美麗的聲音//片長:115分 上映日期:2010/10/22 廳數 (1)
色獄心機//片長:105分 上映日期:2010/10/29 廳數 (5)
貓頭鷹守護神//片長:100分 上映日期:2010/10/08 廳數 (4)
亞當等大人//片長:102分 上映日期:2010/10/15 廳數 (5)

通天神探狄仁傑 D-Project 10/8 上映廳數 (20)
超危險特工 10/15 上映廳數 (16)
亞當等大人//片長:102分 上映日期:2010/10/15 廳數 (5)
華爾街:金錢萬歲//片長:133分 上映日期:2010/09/22 廳數 (3)
線人//片長:113分 上映日期:2010/09/10 廳數 (1)

詭門開//片長:93分 上映日期:2010/09/22 廳數 (1)
貓頭鷹守護神//片長:100分 上映日期:2010/10/08 廳數 (4)
嚇到笑//片長:106分 上映日期:2010/11/12 廳數 (3)
享受吧!一個人的旅行 Eat, Pray, Love 10/1 上映廳數 (17)
惡靈電梯//片長:80分 上映日期:2010/09/17 廳數 (3)

通天神探狄仁傑 D-Project 10/8 上映廳數 (20)
童眼3D//片長:97分 上映日期:2010/10/15 廳數 (2)
超危險特工 10/15 上映廳數 (16)
華爾街:金錢萬歲//片長:133分 上映日期:2010/09/22 廳數 (3)
亞當等大人//片長:102分 上映日期:2010/10/15 廳數 (5)

享受吧!一個人的旅行 Eat, Pray, Love 10/1 上映廳數 (17)
惡靈古堡IV:陰陽界//片長:97分 上映日期:2010/09/10 廳數 (6)
復仇者//片長:114分 上映日期:2010/09/24 廳數 (1)